Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash


J. K. TeSelle (aka bookworm)
3 min readNov 18, 2020


Saying that 2020 has been a year of CHAOS is an understatement. What began as a year of hope quickly deteriorated. I know I am not alone in this sentiment, but enough already!

The disruptions this year has thrown our way has led me to be especially thankful for Thanksgiving. But I am getting ahead of myself.

A death in the family is traumatic by any stretch of the imagination . . . we have had two, neither from Covid-19. After 5 years of caregiving and eventually concluding my father’s estate, I felt as if I had lost my purpose. I confided my feelings of loss to a good friend who is a thoughtful fellow and very gentle in his words. He advised me to “understand that that was not my purpose, rather a loving responsibility that I accepted, but that my heart needs time to express itself and expand. Only then will I discover my purpose.” He’s a songwriter . . . what can I say? For the first time in months I began to relax.

The car accident exacerbated the stress and resulted in a destroyed left rotator cuff, surgery and temporary loss of use of my left arm. Of course I am left handed, so learning to do anything with my right arm, especially eating, was a humbling experience. Not being able to drive all summer added to the distress as my husband drove me without complaint.

Then there was the lockdown, closed schools, empty grocery shelves, toilet paper and milk shortages to name a few, skyrocketing suicide rates and that’s just for starters. The country has been besieged by mandatory mask regulations, social distancing, isolation, loss of jobs and a bevvy of medical experts telling us the death rate from Covid-19 on a daily basis. The destruction of once beautiful American cities by hoodlums who refuse to show their faces, disregard and attacks on law enforcement, destroying businesses is unconscionable.

The election debacle has certainly not helped ally fears about the direction of our beautiful, Constitutional Republic. Yes, I am a Republican and damn proud of it. However, putting politics aside, the fact that we are a country divided Is one of the most troubling concerns we share as a nation. God bless us all if we can come out of this as “One nation under God with Liberty and Justice for all.”


Our nation is one of independent people who have fought and died to keep that independence. There are those within our borders who wish to push us into a socialist society. Personally I believe they are wrong, but that is my opinion . . . the First Amendment grants me that right. I cannot think of a better way to defend our Constitution and the many privileges the United States of America is heir to.

That leads me back to why I am thankful for Thanksgiving. Just think if the Pilgrims had not landed at Plymouth, or the pioneers had not settled the untamed lands, there would be no America the Beautiful. By the way, Wyoming invented social distancing.

Photo by Davies Designs Studio on Unsplash

If 2020 has taught me anything it is to never take our freedoms for granted, don’t take things at face value . . . do your homework, have patience with yourself and others. Appreciate the food on your table and the people you share it with, love your family, even crazy uncle Bill, he too has his virtues.

Wishing all who read this a very Happy Thanksgiving,

