Cautionary Tale . . .
Beware and Aware . . . This happened to me
How many times have you made a purchase, a laptop perhaps, from a reputable merchant like Best Buy? Did they ask about an extended warranty/service agreement through Geek Squad?
The Hook
Being a cautious person, likely you say “yes”. Seniors are especially susceptible targets, but any age group can fall prey. The terms of the extended warranty/service agreement require an auto renewal charged to your credit card. “Sure”, you say being a responsible non-techy individual . . . what could possibly go wrong, but just in case!
Your new laptop is a dream. Fast forward 6 to 12 months. Money is tight, so you decide to cancel the service. Like clock work an email arrives from Geek Squad; your auto renewal has just been charged and your credit card debited. But, if you would like to cancel, call this number.
Tricky Stuff
Pay particular attention to the format of the phone number. Is it (123) 456–789 or 123.456.789? Should be a “red flag”, but you just want to cancel, so you call. Unbeknownst to you, the phone bank routing has taken you to a foreign sounding person who then connects you to another phone bank. You are dead meat. The nightmare has begun and the implications can be 1,000 fold. Many folks take advantage of convenient online banking. Therein lies the rub…
In the interim the so called ‘Geek Squad’ has researched your account through your email and have acquired critical banking information. Through the entire process your objective has been to cancel the subscription. The person at the other end of the line assures you that ‘the refund’ is just one call away. By now you are anxious to finish the call, but remain on the line for the ‘one call away’ person to answer. You are instructed to install ‘Any Desk’, a remote access program to begin the refund process. OMG . . . she typed in $15,000.00 instead of $150.00. “I am so terribly sorry”, she says. “We’ll get this fixed right away.” A serious man comes on the line and warns you not to talk to anyone about the conversation, but you must go to your bank immediately and arrange for an international wire transfer. “If they lose $15,000.00 it will ruin their company.”
Hook Line and ‘Almost’ Sinker
After printing the international wire transfer information, you drive to the bank. With the phone in your pocket, you begin relating the events of the past few days to your banker. Wire transfer man is listening and immediately hangs up when your banker asks to speak with him.
The Nightmare is a Double Feature
You dodged a $15,000.00 bullet. However to preserve the integrity of the funds, all accounts have been closed and new ones opened . . . easier said than done. Online banking has just become more difficult, especially when you have direct deposits and credit cards with recurring charges.
That is a long story for another day.
(Disclaimer) The Geek Squad mentioned in the story is by no means the real deal.These people are efficient, well connected scammers who will steal you blind without a second thought. As a senior citizen, I am ashamed that I almost fell for their ruse. However, I am forever grateful that my bank and I were able to foil their plot. Everyone please beware and aware. If you have doubts, call the merchant the scammers say they represent. You will save yourself so much grief.